Create a New Campaign

A Liveclicker campaign is a collection of different Liveclicker elements, of the same or different types, as well as versions of these elements. The embed code generated for each of the elements in a campaign can then be integrated in your email messages for real-time personalization.

It is up to the marketer to decide how to organize their campaigns, if they want to create different campaigns for every Liveclicker element, or combine them.

Example: Group all elements regarding a specific promotion into one campaign, including a countdown timer indicating the end of the promotion and a map with the location of the closest store.


1. There are different ways to create a new campaign:

  • From the Liveclicker dashboard, click Start A New Campaign + button.
  • From the top menu, click Liveclicker Content drop-down and select +New Campaign.
  • From the All campaigns overview, click the Start a New Campaign + button.

    The campaign creation wizard is displayed:

2. In the Start a new Campaign wizard, fill out a name.

3. Next, if you have previously configured elements in your Liveclicker environment that might be useful for this campaign, you can choose to import those into the current campaign. This speeds up the creation process of your campaign and allows for consistency across different campaigns. This is an optional step.

3a. Click Import Existing Element and, in the dialog that pops up enter the search criteria to find the correct campaign and elements therein:

3b. Select the elements (maximum 10) and click Add existing element. The selected elements are added to your campaign.

Note: Making changes to an imported element in a campaign does not impact the original element.

If this is all that you needed for this campaign, you can go straight to the step 5. Create Campaign . If not, please continue following the steps to add additional elements.

4. Next, select the different types of elements that need to be included in the campaign. You can select as many as are needed for your campaign. Note that you can combine imported elements with new elements.

Note 1: If you need multiple elements of the same type, you only select them once here, and in the configuration of your campaign you can add additional elements of the same type.

Note 2: The LiveImage and LiveRender elements have a series of templates that you can use to create your campaign. Click the template link to access the Templates dialog and select a template. You can find more information on this in the LiveImage templates topic and the LiveRender templates topic.

5. When done, click Create campaign +. The campaign configuration page is opened and the selected element types are listed as individual tabs:

Note 1: If you need additional element types in your campaign, click the + button at the top to access the list of available types and add them. Only element types that are not yet added to your campaign are listed:

In addition, from this drop-down you can also import an existing element from another campaign. Simply select the option Import an element from an existing campaign, search for the campaign and expand the results to retrieve the elements (max 10) you want to import:

Note 2: If you need multiple elements of the same type, click the + icon within the configuration of the selected type:

Enter a name for the new element and click Continue.

The element is added.

For each one of the elements you have the possibility to rename, copy or delete them.

6. You can now start configuring the different elements in your campaign. For each element, the following needs to be set:

  • Basic settings such as clickthrough URL and alternative text for the image (more details can be found in the element specific topics).

  • The configuration options specific to the type of element, including if multiple versions are needed (more details can be found in the element specific topics).

  • The targeting rules in case there are multiple versions of an element.

For a detailed explanation on how to set up a specific element type, please consult the dedicated topics for each type.

7. Once this is done, you can move forward and preview the final result. This preview is either static of dynamic, simulating an opener. By defining conditions for the preview that match some of the targeting rules defined for the element, you can test if the correct preview is displayed.

8. When you are happy with the result, retrieve the embed code for each of the elements and include these in your emails.